Carlo Capsoni graduated in Electronic Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1970 and in the same year joined the “Centro di Studi per le Telecomunicazioni Spaziali” (CSTS), research centre of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) at the Politecnico di Milano.

In this position he was in charge of the installation of the meteorological radar of the CNR sited at Spino d'Adda and since then he is the scientific responsible for the radar activity. In 1979, he was actively involved in the satellite Sirio SHF propagation experiment (11-18 GHz) and later in the Olympus (12, 20 and 30 GHz) and Italsat (20,40 and 50 GHz) satellites experiments.

His scientific activity is mainly concerned with theoretical and experimental aspects of electromagnetic wave propagation at centimeter and millimeter wavelengths in presence of atmospheric precipitation with particular emphasis on attenuation, wave depolarization, incoherent radiation, interference due to hydrometeor scatter, precipitation fade countermeasures, modeling of the radio channel and design of advanced satellite communication systems. The scientific activity in the field of radar meteorology is mainly focused on rain cell modeling for propagation applications, on the development of radar simulators and on the study of the precipitation microphysics. He is also active in Free Space Optics theoretical and experimental activities. Since 1975 he has been teaching a course on Aviation Electronics at the Politecnico di Milano. In 1986 he became full professor of Electromagnetics at the same University.

He was member of the ITU national group and was the Italian delegate in COST projects of the European Economic Community related to propagation aspects of telecommunications (COST 205, 210). Prof. Capsoni is member of the Italian Society of Electromagnetics (SIEm) and editor of the SIEm magazine. He is also member of the Coritel governing body.

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